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Marketing Associations

ClickZ Network
The ClickZ Network is the largest resource of interactive marketing news, information, commentary, advice, opinion, research, and reference in the world, online or off-. From search to e-mail, technology to trends, their coverage is expert, exclusive, and in-depth.

Direct Marketing Association
The DMA works to "get the word out" about the Direct Marketing industry, communicating and interpreting events and trends to the national and local media. Whatever a marketer's size, market or media, they are there to help members achieve bottom line success and satisfied customers.

Association of National Advertisers (ANA)
The ANA is the U.S. advertising industry's oldest and largest trade association. Originally known as the Association of National Advertising Managers, it was established to promote cooperative relationships between regional and national advertising industries, manufacturers and dealers, and advertisers and agencies.

eMarketing Association
The eMarketing Association is an organization dedicated to eMarketing techniques, processes, standards, trends and news and enriching our members through research, education, advocacy, and service.

Marketing Sherpa
MarketingSherpa is a research firm publishing practical information for professional marketers. Their name "Sherpa" refers to the Sherpas of Nepal who guide climbers up Mount Everest. "Our goal is to be your friendly native guides who help make your tough climb toward great marketing results a bit easier by handing you research on 'what works.'"

"We give BounceStudio an A+; it’s exactly what we needed to handle email bounces efficiently."

John Gowland, CEO
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