Efficient Email Bounce AutomationEfficient Email Bounce Automation

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Simple Email Bounce Automation Using BounceStudio Enterprise
Part 1 of 2

Creating Your Email Bounce Log Table In Access

NOTE: If you downloaded the MS Access 2000 database provided on page 1 of this article, then skip to the end of this page by clicking here.

The first thing you need to do is create your email bounce log table within your MS Access database. You can create the email bounce log table in an existing database that you are already using, or you can create a new one. The database I'll be using for this article is one that already exists and is something I use quite regularly. Either way, using your Microsoft Access application, you'll need to create the new table with the following attributes.

Table Name: btBounceLog
Field NameData TypeField SizeIndexedAllow Zero LengthDefault
BounceLogIdAutoNumberLong IntegerYes (no duplicates)  
BounceTypeText4Yes (duplicates ok)no 
InsertDateDate/Timen/aYes (duplicates ok) Now()
ProcessedNumberLong IntegerYes (duplicates ok) 0
Note: The table name is prefixed with the letters "bt" to help insure we don't create a table name that may already exist in your database. The 'bt' stands for BoogieTools.

When you are done adding the fields to your new table, you should see a screen that looks similar to the image below. Click File-Save, and when prompted for the name of the table, enter btBounceLog. You can ignore the dialog box that appears stating "there is no primary key defined". Just click the "no" button. You can make the BounceId field the primary key if you would like, but it is not necessary for this article.

After saving your new table, you will see a table named btBounceLog in the Access database window (see image below). Note that you see a couple of extra tables in the image below too. These tables existed in my database before creating my btBounceLog table. The table called "EmailList" is the table that stores all of my opt-in email addresses. You may or may not have additional tables in your database. I'll use these additional tables in Part 2 of this article.

Write Down Your Database Name And The Folder You Saved It To

Before continuing, make a note of your MS Access database name, and the windows folder where you saved it. For instance, the name of my Access database is email.mdb, and I saved it in my c:\temp folder. You'll need this information later on in this article.

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"With its extensive list of rules, BoogieBounce was able to handle even the most obscure email bounces. Great job BoogieTools!"

Dustin Sell
The Motley Fool
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